Notes from the "Defending Science Online" session
No direct quote for this meme.Summaries of important points and comments made by the speakers and audience for this session:
Chris Mooney
· How do we correct misinformation?
· “How I Started Worrying and Learned to Doubt the Blog”
· Internet is second only to TVF as source of information about Science and Technology
· Brendan Nyhan – people did not change their minds when presented with corrections that challenge their ideological point of view
· Cultural Cognition of Scientific Facts (Kahan et al): conservative libertarians were more likely to accept an article on reducing pollution when it included headline about nuclear power.
· “What Happened on Delibaration Day” Case _____
· Correcting George Will: “no global warming for more than a decade” bloggers tar and feathered him, Washington Post recognized the outrage and WMO wrote letter correcting him, but Will did not apologize or correct himself.
· Message First, Facts Second
Joshua Rosenau
· Blogs can’t correct Texas Textbooks.
· School Board science standards 1998 review “strengths and weaknesses” but they only wanted to review weaknesses of evolution.
· Texas Freedom Network,, Teach them Science, NCSE
· Reach people with documentaries about Kansas, and convince them to speak at meetings.
· Audience Research: talk about medical advances from evolution, compatibility of faith and evolution
· Start Online, Move Offline.
· Make it hard to be dismissed: state why your opinion matters (member of the community, scientific background)
· If you’re in a coalition and you’re comfortable, you know it’s not a big enough coalition. – Bernice Johnson Reagon
Val Jones
· Science Based Medicine blog.
· 80% of Americans go online for health information, but only 20% consider the source.
· Case Study of Two Patients going to two different online sources for health information.
· True story: colon cancer survivor who found oncologist online, breast cancer who tried alternative medicines and died in six months
· November 1963: Malcom X Black Revolution
· Margaret Sangers: planned parenthood
· Meam Goldman: talked about birth control when it was illegal
· George Will is into Toaster oven science, not real science. (look up article where George Will says he loves science)
· Van: academic centers need to set up social media centers. Shout down crazy people.
· Create peer-to-peer references that people can link to in response to people being wrong in comments sections.
· Van: Health Blogger Code of Ethics
· Astrology News: Astrologers said It’s true, but it doesn’t change any of the results. There’s a reason it doesn’t change any of the results.
· Mooney: quick heuristics to determine whether to engage someone, politely say, “I don’t want to have this conversation.”
Notes from the "It's All Geek to Me" Session
No direct quotes for this meme.These are notes summarizing comments made by speakers and audience during this session:
- Are you a geek? When telling a story, how often do you elaborate on the details? Baseball stat geek, science detail geek, D&D geek, all about details.
- What actually constitutes a geek?
- Student: it’s good to be a geek, it means someone who is passionate about something.
- Student: Geek is starting to be glamorized. Big Bang Theory, Harry Potter movie.
- Radio Show Host: compares herself to scientists, and doesn’t think herself a geek, but the audience is geeks (Skeptically Speaking). Considers herself a translator. Geeks listen more closely to the show, and send emails. Geeks provide feedback.
- “You call it geekery, I call it passion.”
- Geeks distrust social niceties. Why aren't they just giving me the information straight? Tendency towards argumentation.
- What are Benefits and Pitfalls of a Geeky audience? Bonus is passion. Geeks get immersed in details, and have a self-generating energy and will keep working through things left to their own.
- Geeks don’t see correcting others as a slight.
- Accuracy VS Completeness: don’t ever say false things, but you don’t have to get totally immersed.
- Geeks are obsessive enough that they will voluntarily seek out details on their own.
- How to delineate between being too geeky and not geeky enough? Keep things entertaining as a means of keeping people with your content. If it’s entertaining, people will stick with you through the sciency parts.
- Make sure your headline and introduction are not for geeks, but you can geek out later in the story. Skeptchick uses humor to open all posts, post about Twilight. Scicurious has posts that reach out to her audience, Friday posts about sex.
- Catchphrases and Inside Jokes create communities, but they also put up walls to communities.
- Surprise people with a story, ask a question to pique curiosity about how it will affect people personally,
- – anecdotes. Turns on non-geeks, but turns off geeks because we want data. What’s the difference between and Rush Limbaugh using anecdotes to hurt science?
- Snark: a way of building a community, but causes pile-ons, turns off outsiders, PZMeyers’ fans attack whoever he points them too. Snark is the nature of the Internet. Radio difference: no snark rule.
- Use snark to empower the weak against the powerful. Use it against trolls against power.
- Try going with a private comment first before going public.
- Remember that it’s the internet, your tone doesn't communicate in the text.
- Don’t do threaded comments.
- You’re going to offend someone. Radio got called a Marxist for her show on gender.
Notes from the "Science Project Showcase" session
No direct quote for this meme.Notes from the various online projects presented in this session.
Karen James
Galapagos Live
· Survival Rival – teens compete against each other to make Darwin videos, winner goes to Galapagos.
· Darwin Online: searches against all of darwin’s writings
· Wanted girls who won the contest to recreate Darwin’s experience, taking notes, but doing so online and uploading photos.
NASA STS-133 Launch Tweetup
· Nasa has over 30 twitter accounts, astronauts tweet live from space.
· People sign up for tweetup, 100-200 are selected, and get a front row seat to the launch
· VAB - Vehicle Assembly Building
· Commander of Shuttle is husband of Gabriel Giffords
· Follow @nasa and @nasatweetup – will post link to signup
· Follow #nasatweetup
ISS Wave
· Heavensabove website: give your location and it will tell you where to look to see the ISS in the night sky
· @twist will send you a tweet when the ISS will pass that night.
· Wouldn’t it be cool to coordinate a mass wave at the ISS around the world. Created a map of people waving at the ISS over the holidays.
· ISS goes around every 90 minutes. Need to see it right at sunset to get the reflection of the suns rays.
· Maybe schedule one for Yuri’s night, this year is the 50th anniversary (April ?DATE?)
Sophia Collins
I’m a Scientist
· See Stacy Baker’s Presentation
· Students appear to get invested in scientists, rooting for them the way we root for designers on Project Runway.
· Student’s ask scientists any question they want.
· How hard would it be to set this up with Joomla or Drupal?
· Go to website and look at archive from last year: 6,400 students asking thousands of questions.
· Kids get engaged because of the reversal of power, students get to ask the questions and students get to decide which scientists get to move on.
· 60% of students went on the site in their own time at home.
· Scientists got into it, staying up late making videos
· Scientists can come from anywhere, students are primarily from UK, but other schools can apply
· Majority of scientists are academic
Kristi Holmes
· Semantic web platform to highlight scientists areas of expertise and interests.
· 120 people at 7 different institutions working on it.
· So much information, vivo filters down to meaningful results
· Harvests data from verified sources, uses RDF triples
· For collaboration, finding resources in academia,
· Did a search on biomedical informatics, got a list of potential collaborators
· Profile with data from PubMed, coauthorship record
· Each institution maintains their own data, allowing customization to the institution and what’s meaningful to the organization.
· Open Source: see sourceforge
Adrian Ebsary
Peer Review Radio
· Interviews with scientists based around a theme, subjects are given questions before hand
· Encourage students into journalism, teach them writing skills, train students in web design and sound editing skills
About Science Online 2011
ScienceOnline2011 is the fifth annual international meeting on Science and the Web. On January 13-15th, 2011 the Research Triangle area of North Carolina will once again host scientists, students, educators, physicians, journalists, librarians, bloggers, programmers and others interested in the way the World Wide Web is changing the way science is communicated, taught and done.
As in all the previous years, the meeting will be held in an ‘Unconference’ style – the Program is built befor...Two quote from the Science Online 2011 website summarizing the conference.
Notes from Science Education Conference Session
No direct quote taken.Various notes taken from the conference session on science education with Stacy Baker's biology students:
- Jack – into games, not many learning games out there. – homeVSschool technology use: what’s allowed in the different contexts, home is about socialization, school is about productivity, need to intersect the two. (Media needs to relate to him, technology, chemistry “New Social Network of Atoms Creates New Compounds”)
- Michael – into vlogs, recording things on a research boat – students want hands-on activities, looking for internships, homeVschool: school tumbler account and home personal tumbler account to distinguish uses of productivity and socialization. PLoS was a great resource.
- Carl – into Classroom blogs, likes tumbler Baker sends opportunities all the time and preparing for scio11. Was inspired by Baker showing him how people around the world were seeing her website
- Paul – into wikis, allow students to express themselves, science online wiki, Proj: you have to put yourself out there, read newspapers and follow links to find things, NYT and Wired, (Interest: be interesting enough and esoteric as well, be terse without complicated jargon)
- Naseem– into science literacy, how media , nature blog (Adult readers) rely on word of mouth for students to find the blog
- Samantha – encourage more student blogs, students communicate at a level appropriate to other students, Green Science, global warming, (What about Adult readers) adults can still read her blog, but she is targeting her
- Alexandra – believer in personalizing education, more into humanities, used podcasts and youtube,, - teenagers want to feel like they are doing something, they want to participate and contribute. homeVSschool: the more competitive college search gets, the more she uses her laptop at home for educational purposes, looking for opportunities to improve chances of getting into colleges, MSNBC, Google News for facts, This Week in Tech Podcast, Relatability (how something relates to me) is important for having something catch her eye, Carl Zimmer cut to the chase about Duck Mating by calling it Duck Sex
- Justin – blogging, using blogs in a variety of ways in science learning, frogs with the citric fungal disease and blogged it
- Rachel Ward – chemistry teacher, using online tools to make the classroom a more exciting place
- I’m A Scientist, Get Me Out of Here:, website where students chat with scientsts and vote for their favorites, least votes get evicted, connected students in remote areas to scientists around the world, allows quieter students to participate more in class discussions, what about when scientists give wrong answers (they should say “I don’t know”), why isn’t there a USA version of this? (Kiome Jarrets: People need to complain. State by state engagement)
- Shanahan – research online science communication, science education professor, works to get students interested in science, reduce their fear, arsenic life story, had students choose a blog and follow it for a month and write a book report on what the blog was about and a lesson sequence for future classes on the blog, students found science blogs were interesting, easy to understand, students used blog the same way they used books and magazine-no engagement no using comments, need bloggers who will give students an interactive experience,
- Audience Comment: everone is trying to find balance between professional and personal technology use, separating and integrating.